what are words? mere signposts attempting to convey the magnificence of experience. words are con men, trying to sell you something they don’t have – reality. words are imposters, words are futile.

i ask you, what can you say that can capture the glory which is this:

the sincerity, the exuberance, the honesty…

and about what must be the worst brief ever provided to a bunch of middle aged expat men.

and what of the intrinsic saudi-pak bond, the one that was being consummated with full relish probably around the time this song came to light? too much. this is spiritual. this is immeasurable. this. is. EPIC.

students were the zero, now they are the million.

one of my former class mates at LUMS shared the above video on facebook, exhorting us to embrace it.

pakistanis are often quite fickle about embracing what is their own – we seem to get ashamed, awkward or embarrassed. fortunately, such squeamishness does not afflict the rest of the world. venture outside the columns of the New York Times, and you will find people enchanted by the wonder which is pakistan. don’t believe me? check out this tribute to our inherent bizarreness. as i said, words can never do justice to the awesomeness depicted here.

3 responses

  1. dishoomdishoom Avatar

    “Mindblasting!” ooo.. i love those pashto movie moustaches, me!

  2. kona berwalla Avatar
    kona berwalla

    i sincerely hope the saudis liked it.

  3. M Avatar

    I don’t know which is more ridiculous. The fact that band had lyrics like these, or the that this music was actually released.

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